Soter Vineyards, Farm Spirit and Luscious Porcelain pre-IPNC supper 2018

It is with great delight that Luscious Porcelain has been invited to collaborate with Soter Vineyards at Mineral Springs Ranch in the creation of a supper on handmade tableware.  In-house Chef Alex Daily and Chef Kei Odera of Farm Spirit will be using my porcelain to serve 60 guests at a convivial dinner out-doors.

Tony and Michelle Soter have been at the leading edge of creating biodynamic wines for decades, first in the Napa/Sonoma area and now at Mineral Springs Ranch.  As a maker dedicated to practices that reduce my carbon footprint where possible, I have great respect for others who practice in ways that have similarly hard-to-see but far-reaching effects.  

Soter wines are featured this year for the International Pinot Noir Celebration, and the supper promises to be beautiful in a stunning location.  I am joined by my father, with whom I met Tony in the first place, and I look forward to meeting Michelle.